“All I would say is that Peter certainly has been an ingredient that our business needed to grow. He started to change the process. We did employ the tools that Peter introduced to us which added a new dimension to our whole recruiting process”.
Peter is part of that recipe of our growth and he is but one ingredient. It takes a lot to grow a business. I would be loath to put a dollar value on it. All I would say is that Peter certainly has been an ingredient that our business needed to grow. He started to change the process.
We would spend our time putting out fires and you know what, we were no good at hiring people. So we took ourselves out of that equation. But we did employ the tools that Peter introduced to us as well. We think that’s added a new dimension to the whole recruiting process. Personality Profiling is a very good tool.
“Allowing myself to be led has increased my turnover by at least 15% and our profit margin is now up to 30%. Where before I would have scored a 4/10 on general I would say I would now score an 8”.
Before being led, I probably thought in my own mind that I had the answers already and I didn’t open myself up to what other people thought and the new ideas that come along with that.
A whole set of things have changed. When I wasn’t being lead, I was doing the same things every day and just managing the business. Now each morning I have a set of steps that I go through before I leave the house so my day is planned before I leave and I know where my business is at as I am driving to work basically. Where before, I never knew where I was at every day. So, my biggest thing I suppose is I really know where my business is at, each day of business. That has been the biggest change I think for me.
I am not working less hours but, as part of the whole leadership steps that we go through, I am making sure I do have time to enjoy certain things in life – like golf. I’m making sure that I’m giving myself time. Without allowing myself to be lead I would still be managing my staff poorly and wouldn’t be getting the same amount of referrals and wouldn’t be playing as much golf.
Allowing myself to be lead has increased my turnover at least 10-15%, I would say that where we had a 15-20 percent profit margin we are up to 30 percent profit now. With new procedures that have been put in place I know where I’m at before we finish the job. Where before I would have scored a 4 out of 10 on general leadership I would say I would now score an 8.
“Allowing yourself to be led. That is probably the one at the top of the list because unless you are open to being led the cumulative effect to create immediate necessary change will not occur”.
It is hard for me to pick just one of Peter’s nine principles because they are all relevant. I would say the top six and the last one FLITU. Without the power of one-on-ones I wouldn’t be in this situation. Without being able to cast vision, I wouldn’t be in this situation. Without being open to be lead I wouldn’t be in this situation. Without FLITU, I wouldn’t have understood why I needed to change. Without 5 – if you don’t change the way you think, nothing changes so, without 5 I wouldn’t be in this situation. So, I can’t discern which ones are important. They are all equally important because the cumulative effect is to create immediate, necessary change.
I guess, I would say – allowing yourself to be lead. That is probably the one at the top of the list because unless you are open to being lead none of the other things matter. You will never get to two and three.