Leadership Dynamics

Business Testimonials

Damon Woodhouse Managing Director, The Life Factory

“In November 2003 on first meeting and starting to work with Peter Cox his unique mentoring style has helped me to develop my leadership capacity and become a more effective leader.

This has helped me to realise some of my dreams and love my life. In 2008 Peter will be leading me during a completely new business phase. Through his intuitive understanding and energetic approach, he inspires, motivates, educates and challenges your thinking.

Thank you Peter.”

Paul Dunn Business Development Director, 360 Degree Marketing Group

“Peter Cox is one of the best leadership speakers I have had the privilege of being involved with. His high levels of passion and integrity allows him to deliver quality information and teachings, whilst allowing the audience to see it is possible for them.

Peter has the ability to challenge you to be the best you can be. Not many people are able to do this with credibility.

I would highly recommend Peter to anyone looking to use him in their business or personal life.”

Stan and Leila Sithole Directors, Urban Fitness

Peter’s passion for leadership, his guidance and him being a dreamer and visionary has helped us to understand the basic leadership principles and how to utilise these principles. He has provided us with the tools and skills to keep moving our business in the right direction. Peter’s desire and enthusiasm to grow people and organisations is exemplary.

He has influenced us in many areas of our lives including our personal life as well as growing our business to a successful level. We’ve had a lot of challenges along the way in growing our business and Peter has helped us tackle these head on and to constantly overcome obstacles and take action in a forward motion. Most importantly he has taught us to grow ourselves in order to be the best individuals we can be to enable us to grow in other areas in our life.

The impact Peter Cox has had on our life:

– He taught us to DREAM BIG and believe in ourselves without losing sight of who we are and keeping true to our values and doing right by people along the way on our journey to success.

– Peter has equipped us with the essential skills required to build our business and lead people, very important especially in business.

– Most empowering of all, he us taught us that in achieving success and growing ourselves, you can also remain happily married through what can often be a very challenging journey.

– Peter Cox walks the talk, he is a man who leads by example and practices what he teaches. This is a very rare quality.

– His values, honesty, integrity and loyalty to the team give you the utmost confidence in working with him.

– He is a visionary, a man who knows where he’s going and how to get there and in such a manner that you can be proud and hold your head high at the end of the day.

Simon Mair Director, Laveer Partners

“Peter has had a great influence on my life as a business leader. He came into my life in 2004 when, as a young entrepreneur, I recognised the need for assistance in my own leadership journey…….I essentially needed someone to lead me.

He taught me that the number one responsibility of a leader is influence and as such nothing else matters…without influence nothing can be achieved.”

Pat Curran Owner, Curran Plumbing

“We have been seeing Peter Cox for the past 3 years to help in our plumbing business. During this time Peter has helped our business grow substantially by providing us with Leadership skills and helping us make hard decisions that we would not have normally made.”


“My husband and I went through a really tough couple of years (about 5 years ago) whereby we had seen a few different therapists/psychologists/counsellors, and I really thought there was no chance left for our relationship. Even after many sessions with these “professionals”, we were still unable to communicate effectively and find that spark again and ultimately my husband ended up moving out . A friend suggested I call Peter and Debbie Cox who had been successful in helping other marriages, because of their unique approach and “husband and wife” style counselling. From our initial meeting (which lasted around 3 hours!), I was hopeful that there was a chance and surprisingly, so was my husband, who had previously been sceptical of all the “others” we’d shared our story with. We realised from our first 4-hour session how interesting Peter and Debbie’s approach was, as they shared their own experiences with us and really got down into the “nitty gritty” with us. We achieved more from this 1 session with the Cox’s than all of the other counselling combined. This pattern continued for the next 9 months and we ended up really enjoying our sessions and the homework/reading that they provided for us. The books and other literature combined with their depth of understanding of the strains and struggles of a marriage, was just incredible. As a wife I have learnt many things about communication and have completely changed my way of thinking. My husband has also evolved in many, many ways and as a consequence we are a changed couple. We still practice the disciplines that the Cox’s recommended, and are truly happy and without sounding cliché, very much in love. Peter and Debbie are now friends of ours, and I am always happy to share our story of how they literally saved our marriage, and how we are now 11 years strong.”

Bill Ryan Managing Director, Ryan Home Loans

“..his talk was inspirational to everyone in the room and it is no surprise that our monthly volumes of business have significantly increased since that day.

Peter Cox is a gifted speaker and has the incredible ability to motivate individuals to a level that will ensure that they can achieve every Dream they dare to Dream.”

Angelo Doukas Director, Crandon Corporation Sydney Australia

“When life demands some clarity and you struggle to achieve it, I can think of no one better to help you than Peter Cox.

By quickly earning your trust and personally demonstrating the values he cherishes and teaches, Peter can help you regain your perspective and help you to express the unique and mostly dormant talent that lies within each and every one of us.

Since 2003 Peter has been mentoring me in both personal and business aspects of my life enabling me to move forward in all areas. It is rare nowadays to find someone who is so passionate about his work and so dedicated to helping people reach their potential.”

David Pascuzzo Lotus Hair & Beauty

“Meeting Peter Cox happened by pure chance. In 2000 Peter walked into my salon for a haircut. Since that day, I have gotten to know this man on a personal level. Usually the client confides in their hairdresser, but as a business coach I now found myself confiding in Peter taking advantage of his business coaching skills.

By listening to me and my aspirations, he has helped me put my dreams inperspective. Helping me take my business to the next level. One important thing I have learnt is that everyone has a choice. I am glad that I chose to listen to Peter’s advise, and now I have the confidence to look towards achieving my crazy dream.

Peter has created clarity in my thinking and provided me with some excellent ideas to systemise my business and connect better with my clients. Thanks for your support, it will never be forgotten.”

Adam Hughes Director, MCP Interiors

“I was introduced to Peter Cox by a friend back in 2003 at a difficult time in my life.

From working with Peter since 2003 I now have an improved positive perspective on my personal and business life and continue to move forward.

Peter has shown me how to draw on my strengths and improve my weaknesses. We have formulated strategies which have helped me connect better with the people in my life, whether they be business associates, family members or friends.

Peter has drive and passion which brings energy and enthusiasm to our relationship. He is a great mentor, friend and person.”

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