Using Effective Team Building Strategies In Succession Planning

Leadership Mentoring and Team Building Strategies Yielded This Construction Client
the Best Profits in 25 Years Before Retiring.

our Client

Peter and Jo Arvonen owned a construction business specialising in all aspects of commercial building, maintenance, refurbishment and accessibility solutions. They had worked in their business for more than twenty years when they met Peter Cox.

About Aris Building Services

Aris Building Services is a family-owned company that provides services to the commercial sector and government-owned or managed properties in the ACT and the surrounding areas.

They have successfully outfitted and refurbished many commercial projects for office buildings and businesses. Their capable design team and experienced contractors work on public sector buildings like hospitals, schools, and playgrounds for improved accessibility solutions. All the new construction and upgrades are compliant with the current building code and tailored to suit the existing environment. They have also done repair and restoration work on various heritage buildings around Australia, from minor to large scale projects.

Scope of Work

Peter and Jo felt that their company was at a stage where it had stopped growing and was not performing to its optimum level. Their finances were suffering, and it was affecting Peter’s mental health as well.

They wanted to recover their enthusiasm for their work and get back in sync with their leadership roles in the company. Business growth and a succession strategy were important to Peter and Jo, and for this to happen they needed to effectively hire the right people. Their goal was to steer the company back into a profitable position and help them prepare for retirement.

The Project

Peter and Jo committed to leadership coaching by Leadership Dynamics to improve their productivity and profitability. The focus of their sessions with Peter Cox would cover effective team building strategies as well as personal and professional development, mindset coaching, and communication skills.

The couple scheduled 4 hour long sessions with Peter Cox every six weeks. This consistency and commitment helped to get Peter and Jo into a rhythm, and reignite the passion and vision they had for their business.

Peter and Jo Avernon

The Challenges

The main challenge was getting Peter back to a positive mindset by strengthening his mental health. He needed to change his thought process and approach to move his company out of its stagnant position. Doing so would help him embrace his leadership role to get the company to growing their profits again.

The couple also had to work on improving their communication skills with mentoring for leadership development to empower and motivate their employees. It would lead to more effective communication in the workplace, enabling the entire team to move in the right direction, towards profitability and scalability.

The Results

During the three years of regularly coaching, a big change happened within Peter’s thinking and behaviour. This personal and professional growth helped him to develop the clarity to reverse the company’s downward trend and start moving upwards.

The sessions also helped him gain the insight he needed to direct his company and his employees. By allowing us to lead him independently, he gained the motivation and strength to own up to his leadership role.

It was the first time Peter and Jo were accountable and answerable to someone else in the twenty-five years of their business.

This gave them the perspective that allowed them to weed out the problems, and find the appropriate solutions.

As a result of their leadership coaching, they learned how to hire the right people for leadership positions, and implement effective communication strategies. They succeeded in putting together a skilled, capable team that thrived under their improved leadership.

With our coaching and mentoring, they improved their leadership dynamics to move the company towards optimal efficiency and financial stability.

When they sold their business, they were making the best profits in twenty-five years of business!

Final Thoughts From The Client

Peter and Jo realised that what they felt was a lack of energy and enthusiasm was more a leadership issue. 

Once they were able to combine their different perspectives and ideas with the help of our sessions, their leadership was strengthened. They learnt how to effectively hire the right people to lead in their stead as part of their succession management process.

Our coaching and mentoring leadership helped Peter and Jo to work on their professional communication skills, enabling them to form a stronger connection to their employees. It gave them the confidence and peace of mind that their company was finally moving in the right direction. The couple’s leadership succession planning was finally underway and retirement within reach.

Peter and Jo have now sold their company and are enjoying retirement. 

It was an honour to be part of their journey and we wish them every happiness in their next phase of life.

“The most amazing thing following the Leadership Dynamics process was that it allowed us to actually turn our business around in the three year period to where it is back to the best profits that we've ever had, after 25 years in business.”