Critical Team Building Factors Behind the Matildas World Cup Success

Critical Team Building Factors Behind the Matildas World Cup Success - Leadership Dynamics

One Australian team currently in the spotlight is the Australian Women’s Football team, the Matildas. Their performance in the 2015 Women’s World Cup has made Australian Footballing history – no Australian football team has ever won a sudden death game in a World Cup.  The Matildas, ranked 10th in the world are now going through to a Quarter Final clash against Japan (ranked 4th) Sunday 28 June, 6am AEST.

The current achievements have not happened by chance or a streak of good fortune. The opposition has come at the Matildas with full force. The Matilda’s journey over the last five months utilising my Leadership Dynamics process, has resulted in the necessary discipline and focus of the behaviours that are required for the Matildas to achieve they results they are striving for.  The belief of the Matildas is growing the teamwork that is required to achieve the result.

No belief, no team.

What belief exists in the team you are part of or the team you lead?

How do you grow belief?

The trust between the players has grown in the Matildas when it comes to teamwork.  Trust is everything.  No doubt must exist between team members. There must be absolute trust.

If there is no trust, there is no team.

What level of trust exists in the team you are currently part of, or the team you lead?

How do you grow trust?

The adaptability and flexibility of individuals within the team has grown.  There can be no team without adaptability and flexibility. Your team members must be able to be flexible and adapt to change  – change is a certainty!  You need to see change as an opportunity and embrace it.

How adaptable and flexible is the team you’re part of or the team you lead?

Another important factor in team success is the growth of individuals. When you grow people, you grow the organization.  The personal growth of the 2015 Australian Women’s Football team from January this year (when Alen Stajcic and I started with the team) until now, has resulted in belief, trust, adaptability and flexibility, increasing to it’s highest level in their entire history.

Is the current team you’re part of personally growing?  

Where do you need to personally grow as a team member or as the leader of the team you lead?

When I began my leadership responsibility with the Matildas at the AIS in Canberra this year, working closely with the Australian Women’s Football Head Coach, Alan Stajcic, our goal was to strengthen the unity within the Matildas.  This has been a significant contributing factor to reaching the Quarter Finals of the Women’s World Cup in 2015.  Alan Stajcic, and the people he surrounds himself with, have contributed immensely to strengthening the unity of the Matildas through the following:

·      Leadership that is totally committed

·      Leadership that can be 100% trusted.

·      Leadership that has a purpose.

·      Leadership that communicates effectively and appropriately

·      Leadership that is able to resolve conflict

·      Leadership that makes the right decisions for the right reasons

·      Leadership that displays the right daily actions

·      Leadership that involves and includes all team members to ensure there is a strong alliance and partnership

·      Leadership that has a deliberate process to cast and fulfill the Vision.

What process do you use to strengthen unity?

 Is the team you lead, or the team you’re a part of growing in belief, trust, adaptability, flexibility, personal growth and unity?

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