My mum’s sage advice to a leader.

My mum’s sage advice to a leader. - Leadership Dynamics

I can still vividly remember as a young entrepreneurial primary school kid, making Mulberry tarts utilising the mulberries from our backyard tree. My best friends and I were determined we were standing on the precipice of our Mulberry tart empire in my Mum’s sun drenched kitchen. We were sure to lure the money from our friend’s wallets as they lusted after our tarts in the playground the next day. Mum watched us for a while – our arms deep in Mulberry jam, pastry all over the bench (and floor), slowly producing tarts one by one. After a time of great patience she made the casual remark “Sweetheart, why don’t you make all the pastry cases first and then fill them, instead of doing it one by one. It’ll be faster.”  I, as the leader of this illustrious enterprise, had two choices: listen to the voice of wisdom and experience of my mother, allow myself to be led by her and try her suggestion, or dig my heels in, ignore her advice and carry on as we were. We’d still get tarts made whichever way I chose, but trying a different approach might be more efficient and produce better looking tarts. Could I see the need for change, accept it and take a risk? Would I be the leader of the change of our production line or not? Could I change my ways and lead my team to “higher ground?” I actually did listen to my mother’s advice that day (much to her amazement) and ended up producing what seemed like a couple of hundred fine looking tarts and “cleaned up” the next day at school.


Leaders are catalysts for change. They get things done and make things happen.

Do you create change?

Do you accept change?

If things don’t change there is no progress. If you want growth, you need change. Effective leaders understand that there needs to be a process in order for change to occur. Your ability to adapt to change will determine your effectiveness as a leader.

Leaders lead people. Effective leaders bring about a change in people.

Your ability to first bring about a change in yourself, which gives you the influence to bring about a change in others, will ultimately determine your level of success as a leader. Why should others change if you won’t? How will others change if you won’t/can’t? You need to show them the way.

What are 3 personal changes you need to make?

What are 3 major leadership changes you need to make?

To create a positive change is the responsibility of leaders. Change is necessary for people in organisations to progress. Effective leaders understand the need for change due to their ability to observe and discern the necessary change that’s required to lead the people they lead. Leaders lead change.

For change to occur, there must be a process in place which stimulates and agitates key leaders in the organisation.

What process do you have in place?

Who are you accountable to?

There must be complete honesty and transparency and a willingness to accept change. This is why people resist change because it’s difficult. Leaders who are committed to the responsibility of leadership are also committed to the responsibility of change. In my personal leadership journey of 26 years, being led independently speeds up the change process because of an unbiased view. I remember countless times when my mentor would call me out or challenge me on all sorts of issues. I was grateful for his straightforward, sage advice – it made me see where I needed to change much sooner than I would have (hopefully) seen the need to and encouraged me and kept me accountable to change.

To bring about a change in the people you lead so they become more effective, is the greatest test of a leader. It’s one thing to change yourself, but to inspire, motivate and facilitate a change in others is an entirely different matter and this is the test of a leaders capabilities. People are the number 1 asset of any business and a leaders investment in their team’s development is critical if the organisation is to change, grow and thrive.

Do you have a process in place to help you do this? 

So when it comes to Change, Leadership is responsible.  Obvious I know.  Never the less, it’s good to be reminded to be observant and diligent, always questioning the status quo, always asking the questions, “How can I be better?” “How can I do this better?” Authentic Leaders truly accept the responsibility of Leadership required of them to change personally before they can bring about a change in others. Then they ask “How can my team improve?” and “How can I help them do it?” Leaders own the change and they have the vision to focus on the rewards of effective change.

Do you see the need for change?  

Will you take the risk and tackle the need for change head on?

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