Who and what you need to be surrounding yourself with right now.

Who and what you need to be surrounding yourself with right now.

The last two years have been quite something, to say the least. We here in Australia were left reeling in 2020 when Mother Nature unleashed her fury and devastated many communities with bushfires and then storms and floods and not to mention the pandemic as a global community. And right now, we’re dealing with more floods as an El Nina weather pattern rolls through and we’re uncertain what the future holds with COVID 19 as this new variant now seemingly running rampant around the globe.


What a line-up of events that we’d all rather do without.


But we’ve had no choice – these events have been thrust upon us.


And what I believe most of us are coming to the realisation is that we don’t actually have control over much at all.


We like to think we do – we like to think we have all bases covered, that all our ducks are neatly in a row – but then something like COVID 19 happens, or we get sick, and all of our best-laid plans fall by the wayside, as I know you’re all experiencing this right now, myself included.  It’s an extremely testing time.


However, there is one thing we can control, and it is this – we can control how we respond to the challenges of this world by the way we think. Our thoughts will determine our destiny and right now we all need high-level thinking to rise above fear and anxiety.


Like you, I’ve had to weather my fair share of storms in my lifetime and the number one thing I’ve done to push through and come out the other side is to surround myself with like-minded people – those people who think positively – “the glass is half full”, and those people who have greater wisdom and experience than myself, and those who embrace change and look for the opportunity in every difficult situation, and those people who care for and serve others around them, regardless of what’s going on.


We are always influenced by the people we surround ourselves with and right now there’s never been a greater time to ensure we’re associating with like-minded people who want to keep climbing.


Who are you surrounding yourself with?


Whose advice are you listening to?


Do you have someone who’s more experienced than you who you can ask advice from?


Which podcasts are you listening to or books are you reading to build yourself up and change your mindset and gain more wisdom and stay strong mentally (It’s a really powerful process)?


Two more questions for you – is Social Media bringing you up, or pulling you down?

How much time are you spending scrolling through posts that could be better spent on getting the right mindset and focussing on your family and making the right decisions for your business right now?

Your thoughts determine your destiny and what you start watching and listening to is what your mind starts absorbing and thinking about.


What example of leadership are you displaying for your family and the team you lead right now?


This time is unprecedented, but you will pull through if you surround yourself with the right people with the right thinking.


Big lessons will be learned once we all come out on the other side of COVID 19.


Surround yourself with the right, like-minded people.  Keep Faith and give to others around you, who you know need your leadership and support, and Keep Climbing.


Take care,


Peter (Coxey)


PS: Two books that changed my life, when I started in business with $11 in the bank in October 1998, were: “The Magic of Thinking Big” by David J Schwartz, and “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill.  These two books I re-visit during the tough times in my life.  They could be some helpful reading for you if you have some free time on your hands.

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