Are You and Your Team Growing The Right Leadership Behaviours?

Are You and Your Team Growing The Right Leadership Behaviours? - Leadership Dynamics

The history pages are filled with great leaders – Abraham Lincoln, Alexander The Great, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, Richard Branson and Winston Churchill to name a very small and obvious number. We also remember the great leaders we’ve had – leaders who inspired our team, grew and unified our team, who built us up, and who led us by their example. They encouraged us to achieve what we thought was nearly impossible. How did they do it? How did the great leaders of history and the great leaders of our lives achieve their Vision with the teams they led?  They were able to determine the behaviours required and were able to lead their teams to focus on and have discipline to grow and develop those behaviours, whilst leading by example. While many of us may not be able to reach the lofty heights of Mandela or Lincoln, with some discipline and focus on the right leadership behaviours, you and your team will grow exponentially to achieve whatever it is you set out to achieve.

Effective Leaders understand the need to have discipline and focus on those behaviours that will drive results, behaviours that will achieve the Vision. You need a Leadership Process to grow the right behaviours.

Behaviours within an organisation will ultimately determine where that organisation ends up.

Leadership is about bringing about a change in the people you lead.

It is about growing with the Leadership Behaviours that are required to drive a Winning Team Culture.


Where do you need to grow?


Who needs to grow within the team you lead?


You can’t give what you don’t have.

What do you need to have more of to grow in Leadership and increase your effectiveness?


There is a huge difference between being efficient and being effective. Effective Leadership Behaviours require Discipline and Focus on those behaviours that will drive results.

Leaders develop the people they are responsible for.  They are a catalyst for change within individuals.

Effective Leaders focus on the Big Picture – The Vision.  The focus is on long term not short term results.

An effective leader inspires trust.  Trust comes from the heart and spirit of the individual you lead.  There needs to be a deliberate process to bring about a change in the heart and spirit of people.

Two key strategies that I deliberately use with the teams I lead in Corporate Australia and in Professional Sport are the One on One process and Empowerment through Edification – “You can promote anyone but yourself”.

Edification strengthens unity by developing co-operative relationships.

When a Leader publicly recognises an individual in front of the rest of the group it strengthens loyalty, trust, unity and a commitment to the core values of the organisation.  It multiplies the ownership amongst the group when it comes to the values that drive the team.

Values are Behaviours.

Is the team that you are part of, or the team that you lead committed to the organisational values?

Edification brings about a change in the heart and spirit of individuals.  It is truly effective when this Team Facilitation process, to bring about a change in Behaviours, is done by someone that is independent who is able to implement the Edification process from the Business Owner/CEO/Head Coach down into the organisation. Having someone independent lead the Edification process results in the business owner/CEO/Head Coach down being promoted in front of the rest of the group from someone who is on the outside – third party perspective.

I have used this process thousands of times with my clients which has resulted in the team culture seriously unifying as a result of increasedaccountability and respect to each other which are the two key behaviours for any successful organisation. The result – a winning team culture.

The Leader creates.  The Leader challenges.  The Leader has integrity.

What do you need to challenge as the Leader?


What do you need to create as the Leader?

If you have Leadership responsibility, your ultimate calling is to lead people and bring about a change in their Behaviours.

Where do your leadership behaviours need to grow?  


When you look at individuals within your team, where do their behaviours need to grow?

Leadership will always determine where the organisation and team ends up.

What do you need to give more of as the Leader?


What do you need to model so that you can duplicate the right behaviours within the team and organisation you lead?


Leadership is about making the people you lead feel heard.

Leadership is about discernment.

What are you sensing?


What are you observing? 

Leadership is about connecting more effectively with the people you lead.

These behaviours will determine whether the team you lead achieves the results you want to achieve when it comes to the Big Picture.

What behaviours are you observing?


Do you have a deliberate process to grow your behaviours and to grow the leadership behaviours of individuals in the team you lead?

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