Assume Nothing! Things Might Not Go to Plan.

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If there’s one thing that’s certain in life, other than death and taxes, is that even the best-laid plans might not go how you want them to.

You have to assume nothing.

Case in point, I remember being behind the scenes at one of the biggest pay-for-view games in Foxtel history a few years ago – the West Tigers versus the Cronulla Sharks.

It was a do-or-die game for both teams to progress to the NRL Finals Series 2019, something the Tigers hadn’t achieved for 8 years, so the match was a huge deal.  It wasn’t a Grand Final though it felt like the past 10 months of sheer hard work, growth and planning were culminating in this match.

However, 30 minutes before the game was due to start, in the warm-up session, our full back, Corey Thompson, strained his Achilles Tendon and was ruled out to play.


The Head Coach, Michael Maguire, all the Assistant Coaches and Trainers, and the team had to deal with chaos in the dressing rooms. High-level leadership was displayed having to rearrange the team lineup, with key players having to play out of position – a great deal of selflessness and team player spirit was displayed. Even 300+ gamer, Robbie Farrah, who’d broken his leg 4 weeks earlier, stepped onto the field.

The team was valiant in defeat against an experienced Cronulla Sharks team. There is no doubt the younger Wests Tigers team members grew with this very challenging experience in front of a sold-out 20,000 Leichhardt Oval Crowd.

Would the result have been different if Corey Thompson hadn’t strained his Achilles in the warm-up? We had momentum with the system and the game plan leading up to this huge game, but we’ll never know.

There are key lessons to be learned from not achieving the result we wanted to achieve.

How the players responded to the disappointment of the loss was a choice.  Your past is not your future if you choose.

All our biggest growth moments in life occur if we let them when things don’t go to plan.


Are you assuming anything right now?

Are you dealing with things in your life that aren’t going as you expected?

Are you going to learn from them, or let them take you off your path?


I’ve been in business since 1988 and have seen many, many things happen, and nothing much surprises me anymore.  I’ll write a book one day soon on what I’ve experienced, though one key lesson I’ve learned is – assume nothing, learn from every situation, and keep moving forward toward your goal, no matter what obstacles lie in your way.

And also, allow yourself to be led by someone who’s more experienced than you are.

My life changed when I allowed myself to be led by a mentor and he helped me through some of the toughest times in business and in life.  I would not be where I am today without Jim.

Don’t think you know everything (because you don’t) and can tough it out on your own.  Iron sharpens iron.  Get a mentor independent of your business if you don’t have one.

Who could you ask to lead you?

Are you learning from your setbacks right now?

Are you focused on the future?


Assume nothing!  Things rarely go to plan. Just ensure you learn from them and move forward.


I trust my blog post helps you build your leadership strength so you can live a better life!




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